Holding a meeting with the Convergence Research Institute of the University of Tehran

In January, 2022 a meeting was held with the Convergence Research Institute of the University of Tehran.
In January, 2022 a meeting was held with the Convergence Research Institute of the University of Tehran. The director of the research institute, the head of IT and research experts attended the meeting. From the Mother, Fetus and Infant Research Center, Dr. Shariat - Head of the Research Center -, Dr. Sadeghi Moghaddam - Faculty Member - and Mr. Nataj - IT Engineer - were at the meeting too.
The members present at the meeting discussed the cooperation and understanding between the research institute and the research center regarding the development of system and software to track the developmental disorders of high-risk infants and toddlers. In the end, it was decided to design and implement joint research activities if possible.